When we
last saw Norwich Park's dragline, it was looking a lot like this. A bench failure had the dragline nearly sitting on its boom.

The plan was to bury two dragline buckets, which were then attached to a stabilising frame. Tension was then applied to the frame to pull the dragline back level, while the dirt was excavated out from underneath the dragline.

Burying the two dragline buckets.

Attachment of the stabilising frame.

Excavation of the dirt underneath the tub.

Remote-control dozers. Safe, but poor aircon.


Repairs to the boom.

Repairs to the house.
In all, an excellent performance from the BMA team to successfully right the dragline and get it back to work. Congratulations on a job well done.
Is that a remote controlled bulldozer in a few of the photos?
Yeah mate, that is an RC dozer, safest choice for something like this.
WesTrac CAT sell this system for their dozers.
Thanks for the educating pictures
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