Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tire Failure

Sent in by  reader this week. I don't think I've ever seen a tire failure like it. From the email:

The picture shows a tyre failure on a chinese Triangle tyre mounted on a CAT740 at Leuwpan Coalmine in South Africa. The reason for the failure is poor tyre quality.


Anonymous said...

Courageous guy who took the picture! Wondering how they disinflated this one.

Anonymous said...

A Triangle branded tyre doing its best to impersonate an actual triangle..

Anonymous said...

tire go flat...nope that other one just swelled right up on's your sign-- Bill Engvall

Anonymous said...

Made in china?

Anonymous said...

ive never seen anything like that before lots of blisters on 793 tyres but that is incredible. I agree whoever took the pic had balls as big as that tyre

Anonymous said...

The blog is unique that’s providing the nice material. Please post more interesting articles here.

Anonymous said...

been around many wiggle wagons never seen something like that

Anonymous said...

Farkimi. No the tyres not flat just all the airs gone to the top

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